These mushroom pickers know that during the harvest honey agaric in the forest at night you can see the glow. This is not the fireflies and fabulous elves and spawn summer and fall honey agarics. The glow is created not by the mushrooms and mycelium, which twist around the wood, where it grows estimates of location.
Apparently such unusual features the most common fungi and formed the basis of the original fixtures from Japanese designer Yukio Takano (Yukio Takano). In the treated wood were mounted power supply and switch to control the operating mode of the lamp. Colored light bulbs themselves are neat mushrooms that grow very naturally into small pieces of wood and glow in the dark.

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Robotics - a promising and promising branch of modern science. While we do not generally notice, but precursors of high-tech robots of the future has long been part of our lives. Many industries are widely used robots that are able to perform a large number of operations, and even programmed independently make some decisions.
Scientists are actively working to develop humanoid robots that will free people from the dull routine of work, and we look forward to the appearance of the first copies of such assistants in their homes. In the Chinese city of Harbin has a fancy restaurant - here most of the work has been shifted onto the shoulders of robots. Of course, their appearance is very far from perfect and the functionality is quite limited, but still - robots, there are robots.
restaurant with robots in Harbin (640x425, 243Kb)
Advertorial   Make your smile beautiful and regain self-confidence will allow rapid implantation of a network of dental clinics in Moscow Dent Capital. If you have lost one or more teeth, the modern dentistry can help you at any age and condition of the teeth.
Robots cooks from Harbin restaurants cook their own meals, which spread around the tables of visitors robot waiters. In the main menu, several kinds of noodles and dumplings. While visitors enjoy Chinese cuisine, waiters robots can entertain them singing, small talk and emotionally react to what is happening.Depending on the capabilities of the cost of a robot can be 50 thousand. Dollars and more. 
restaurant with robots in Harbin 1 (640x395, 207Kb)

restaurant with robots in Harbin 2 (640x416, 189Kb)

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
restaurant with robots in Harbin 3 (640x399, 204Kb)

restaurant with robots in Harbin four (640x445, 210Kb)

restaurant with robots in Harbin 5 (640x395, 216Kb)

restaurant with robots in Harbin 6 (640x457, 236Kb)

restaurant with robots in Harbin 7 (640x398, 169Kb)

restaurant with robots in Harbin 8 (640x395, 161Kb)

restaurant with robots in Harbin 9 (640x395, 178Kb)

restaurant with robots in Harbin 10 (640x395, 237Kb)


We all love their mobile gadgets. It is hard to imagine a normal day without a mobile phone, laptop or tablet. These comfortable modern devices have got almost everything - from small to large.
As advertising  Fans will appreciate the Nokia mobile phones stylish model Nokia Asha 502 with a 3-hdyuymovym screen and high-quality digital camera 5 megapixel. Designed for two simkartochki mobile allows you to conveniently communicate in social networks, install your favorite applications, has a bright original design. 
Portable Battery BOLT 3 (600x450, 173Kb)
Taking from morning to night different mobile gadgets, we all know them common to all major drawback - rapid discharge of the battery. That's why in addition to their mobile devices, many are trying to buy laptop battery, which allows recharge the tablet or mobile phone throughout the day.
Portable Battery BOLT (600x450, 226Kb)
Small charger BOLT allows you to easily recharge your phone and any other gadget. The idea of ​​its creation belongs to the innovators of Fluxmob, who have extended the laptop battery charge and now it is enough for two full charge cycle.
laptop battery 1 BOLT (600x450, 169Kb)
Little charging consists of two parts - an upper fork have, and the bottom has a USB-port. The indicators show the level of charge in the battery. Now, going for a walk or to rest, you can not hurry home and not worry that your phone run out quickly and will leave you with no connection.
Portable Battery BOLT 2 (600x450, 181Kb)


Lamborghini is one of the most famous and venerable automotive brands. Luxury sports cars are easily recognizable corporate design and throughout the world have become a symbol of luxury and beautiful life.
The most expensive car in the world - Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4. It is made of gold, platinum and diamonds. This unique car was developed by the German designer Robert Gyulpena and its value is 7.3 million. Dollars. In September 2013 Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 was presented in Dubai, where its creators hoped to find his masterpiece worthy buyer. The September presentation was shown only a model sports car on a scale of 1: 8. In the case of successful purchase exclusive cars of precious materials will be delivered to the owner.

Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 / 1385237578_zolotoy_lambordzhini_foto_1 (638x428, 40Kb)
Luxury sports car should also appear on the Dubai International astosalone in November 2013. According to four counts of the car was a contender for getting into the Guinness Book of Records, the main one being, of course, is the price. Another Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 is the world's only car decorated with real precious metals and most expensive logo.
Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 / 1385237622_zolotoy_lambordzhini_foto_3 (638x428, 76Kb)


In the history of science, scientists have put forward many theories strange that only their enumeration would take not one that plump. We have made ​​a rating of the 25 most, in our opinion, absurd: 25.Ekriptichesky script 

Strange and absurd scientific theories

Ekriptichesky scenario, unlike the theory of the "big bang" suggests that our universe is the result of a collision between two or more universes identical to ours. This means that somewhere outside of our universe, there is at least one more. In addition, these pseudo-scientists argue that the distance between the universe and our twin smaller than the diameter of an atom! 24. White holes in space

Strange and absurd scientific theories

Some scientists believe that the existence of black holes in space implies the presence and the so-called white holes. And if black holes in everything disappears in the bottomless pit, then white, apparently, everything falls out, if out of the closet after general cleaning. 23. We are destroying the universe every time we look at the dark energy

Strange and absurd scientific theories

Our universe is 70 percent consists of so-called "dark energy." 
Professor Lawrence Krauss says, every time we look at the dark energy, we kill our universe. This happens in the following way: the more we look, the more unstable the universe becomes, and it shortens its life. Although, in fairness it should be said at the very small percentage. 22. The Universe - a hologram

Strange and absurd scientific theories

Another absurd theory says that we live in the universe-hologram, and this hologram created by none other than the same as our universe. And the sky above us - it's just a wall with a picture of stars and galaxies. 21. Matrix - a reality

Strange and absurd scientific theories

Not so many find people who have not watched the movie "The Matrix". A few very impressionable scientists decided to theorize the idea inherent in this cult film. According to their theory, we all live in a computer program, and that computers have created what we take to be reality. 20. We come from a black hole

Strange and absurd scientific theories

According to this theory, our universe emerged from the black hole. The idea is that matter is sucked into the black hole, the density of the material is increased to such an extent that the black hole is not able to absorb it and "spits" back. 19. Each of our solution - a new universe

Strange and absurd scientific theories

Scientists adhere to the theory omnivёrs or, in other words, that there are many universes, say: every time you make a decision, we are creating a new reality - a new universe. 18.Teoriya hitting branes

Strange and absurd scientific theories

This theory states that the universe is a kind of brane (from membrane) freely floating in a multidimensional space and constantly hitting the nearby universe. Each blow - a kind of new "big bang", which resulted in the birth of a new universe. 17. Space-time continuum - a substance supertekuchaya

Strange and absurd scientific theories

Physicists Paul Mazur and George Chaplayn suggested that the category of "space-time" has such a quality as "superfluidity." This means that the motion of our universe creates a funnel. These funnels originate new galaxies. This process causes the infinite expansion of the universe. 16. Universes with a lot of black holes dominate

Strange and absurd scientific theories

We already know that getting the matter into a black hole leads to an increase in its density. As a result of this new universe is born. Gradually Universes, generating more and more black holes begin to dominate the multiverse. 15. Anthropic principle

Strange and absurd scientific theories

Each universe has the infinite set of qualities and physical laws. But the basic idea of the anthropic principle as follows: "We see a universe, because only in such a universe could be an observer, a man."14. The soul lives in the heart

Strange and absurd scientific theories

Physician Galen, who lived approximately in the II century BC, believed that the blood - is the fuel that runs the internal organs. And it does not dangle heart, and liver. A heart we need to totally for other purposes: it lives the soul. 13. Hippocratic doctrine of temperament

Strange and absurd scientific theories

Over the centuries, the doctor called the cause of all disease imbalance four "juice" of man. The author of this popular theory for a long time was the legendary ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. The famous "father of medicine" argued that four fluid circulating in the body, blood, bile, phlegm and black bile define the general behavior of man (The Four Temperaments) and its health. 12. Lambs can be grown in a greenhouse

Strange and absurd scientific theories

The ancient Greeks believed that the lamb can literally grow like a plant. Imagine a green stem topped with lamb. This theory is mentioned in his writings, the Roman writer Pliny the Elder. And no matter how absurd the idea was not, among the Greeks could not have done in the 14th century it was picked up again by Europeans. 11. Phrenology

Strange and absurd scientific theories

The founder of this pseudoscience was an Austrian physician and anatomist Franz Joseph Gall. Its basic postulate is the assertion that the shape and size of the human skull can determine the level of his intellect, character traits and inclinations to anything. 10. Life in the Sun

Strange and absurd scientific theories

This we now know that the sun - it is something like a huge nuclear furnace, and in the 18th century, people thought differently. Even William Herschel, the discoverer of the planet Uranus, thought rays - a mountain in the sun, the tops of which are visible through the clouds. 9. Homeopathy

Strange and absurd scientific theories

The concept of treatment on the principle of "like with like" - a virtuoso plan on stretching money from patients. And as soon as the language of the people dare to call it a serious medical teaching? 8. "Fire Element" Phlogiston

Strange and absurd scientific theories

In 1667, a physicist named Johann Joachim Becher proposed to add to the already existing list of chemical elements another - phlogiston. Becher was convinced that this element is contained in all combustible substances and is released during combustion. At the moment, phlogiston if it exists, it is only in textbooks on the history of chemistry. 7. Alchemy

Strange and absurd scientific theories

It is known that people engaged in alchemy, eager to find the Philosopher's Stone, which, in their opinion, could not only turn any metal into gold, but was the key to the creation of "the elixir of life."Need I remind you that this "fifth element" is still not found? 6. Panspermia theory

Strange and absurd scientific theories

Panspermia - belief, the essence of which lies in the fact that life exists everywhere in the universe, and the world was made ​​possible only thanks to the "germ of life", flown together with meteorites, asteroids and other celestial bodies. 5. The theory of alien landfill

Strange and absurd scientific theories

It's very simple: life originates from the landfill is on the ground aliens. 4. Spontaneous generation

Strange and absurd scientific theories

Aristotle believed that the living can arise spontaneously from nonliving - samozarodilsya. As absurd as it may sound, but imagine, scientists are not allowed to attempt to prove this theory until the 20th century. 3. Universe computer

Strange and absurd scientific theories

We have already talked about the theory, inspired by the movie "The Matrix." There is also another, according to which the universe itself - it is a huge computer in which black holes, galaxies, stars function as components of the motherboard. 2. The principle of the mechanical clock in the heart of the action of the Universe

Strange and absurd scientific theories

Our universe is arranged according to the principle of the movement, which is controlled by a supreme being. This is a supreme being uses the laws of physics, so to say, to ensure the proper operation of the mechanism. That is, unlike other theories of the divine, God's role is limited here. He only triggers.Fortunately, this idea has been challenged by quantum theory. 1. Theory zoo

Strange and absurd scientific theories

We only similarity zoo for extraterrestrial civilizations. It is unlikely that aliens who breed of people as a species find themselves before we reach a certain, by their standards, the level of development.