In 2013, there was a lot of important scientific discoveries - from the intergalactic neutrinos and invisible brain to create a miniature "organelles". Before you - the 17 most important scientific discoveries of the past year just.

17 major scientific discoveries of 2013.


1. "Voyager 1" has gone beyond the Solar System Out of the solar system can not be considered an ordinary achievement. For 36 years NASA spacecraft "Voyager 1" increases the distance between himself and the Sun, moving away from him at a speed of 17 km / s. Scientists knew that sooner or later, "Voyager 1" reaches the periphery of the heliosphere, which surrounds the solar system and defines its boundaries, but when he crosses this barrier, it is known was not.After several months of uncertainty by NASA in September this year, has made ​​an official statement: "Voyager 1" was the first object created by man, which came out in interstellar space. " So, we're already there. 2. Short palindromic repeats open (CRISPR) in the DNA ofbacteria have their own version of the adaptive immune system, but as a CRISPR system is not aimed at the hostile your immune system protein antigens. Instead CRISPR grasps and removes specific DNA sequences using appropriate RNA strands. System CRISPR easily manipulated in January scientists first reported deletion, addition, activation and suppression of a target gene in cells of humans, mice, rat, zebrafish, bacteria, fruit flies , yeast, nematodes and crops, showing tremendous opportunities for the application of the opening. For those seeking new tools for scientists often the most important is the versatility and ease of use. CRISPR convenient to both sides, and many scientists believe that the discovery has the potential to revolutionize molecular biology. 3. The Milky Way is full of habitable worlds in November astronomers said that 22% of stars like our sun of the Milky Way are potentially habitable planets around their orbits. Dimensions distant planets comparable to the Earth. This remarkable finding suggests that our galaxy may be more than two billion habitable planets, and the nearest such a planet may be only 12 light years from Earth. Perhaps there - a twin of the Earth? It is still unknown, but thanks to the telescope "Kepler" we have all the data to find out, it remains only to analyze them. Perhaps his second home we have already found. 4.Interface brain-to-brain in February, researchers announced that they have successfully established a connection between the brain of two rats: signals from the brain of one rat rat second helped to solve complex problems in real time, with the animals were thousands of miles from each other. A few months After such a link has been established between the human and rat brain, but only a month later, scientists published the results of the first successful experiment in communication between the brains of two people. The era of unification of minds does not seem far off. 5. There is life on the edge of the world in the lake Uillans is life. For millions of years the tiny lake of liquid water hidden in the depths of hundreds of meters under the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica, isolated from the outside world, and scientists, and to explore its depths there was no way. This year, a team of researchers led by John Prisca glaciologist at the University of Montana managed drill a tunnel to the lake Uillans and find life - so Prisca and his colleagues were the first people in history who found living organisms in the lake on the edge of the world. 6. Doctors cured of HIV child born sick doctors in March announced a grand event in medicine - child cured of HIV. Dr. Deborah Persaud presented a report on this at the 20th Annual Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. 7. Recently discovered the skull can reduce the evolutionary tree of humanity beautifully preserved skull age of 1.8 million years old, found in Dmanisi, Georgia, may be evidence that the evolutionary tree of the genus Homo creatures may have far fewer branches than previously thought. In a report published in October, said that a team of researchers led by Georgian anthropologist David Lordkipanidze found first in the history perfectly preserved hominid skull. If you compare the skull with four other skulls found nearby, it becomes clear that the earliest known members of the branch Homo (Homo habilis, Homo rudolfensis and Homo erectus), perhaps nothing from each other do not differ. It is likely that they were all part of the same growing branches, eventually led to modern humans. 8. Neuroscientists have made ​​invisible brain New technologies allow scientists to make fully transparent medulla. It has become one of the most important achievements in the field of neuroanatomy in recent decades, and is easy to understand why. 9. Rover «Curiosity» confirmed that Mars once might have life in March, NASA scientists have published perhaps the most compelling evidence to date that the Red Planet could be home to life. Earlier this year «Curiosity» drilled a few samples of sedimentary rocks near the old riverbed in the crater Gale. In this area, there is a whole series of lines, similar to the dry river bed that can testify in favor of the fact that the planet once had water. Using the on-board computers rover, NASA scientists have analyzed these samples for some of the critical elements necessary for life, including sulfur, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and carbon. Currently, the rover moves to its basic scientific goal - Aeolis mount (it mountain Sharpe) five kilometers high, situated in the center of the crater Gale. There he will try to find other proofs of the existence of life. 10. Death of anonymity genome Few things in the world can be more personal than your DNA. For this reason, in projects such as a database of the human genome, has always respected the privacy of participants. Studying the individual characteristics of individuals donated their DNA samples, the researchers maintain the standard "genomic anonymity." Those days are now officially over. In January, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have shown that the similarity of volunteers who donate personal data - its genome - can only be determined at the public availability of information. Lead researcher on the project Yaniv Erlich told how this method works, explained the implications of his discovery, and why it can change our attitude to genetic data. 11. Researchers have discovered neutrinos from another galaxy Physics Observatory "Ice Cube" at the South Pole this year drilled in the Antarctic glacier hole depth of 2.5 km and took it 28 neutrinos - those mysterious and extremely powerful subatomic particles that pass right through solid matter. These particles may have been born outside of our solar system, it is possible that outside of our galaxy. Perhaps for this discovery, researchers will receive the Nobel Prize. 12. 400,000-year-old DNA changes the known history of mankind DNA extracted from the well-preserved 400,000-year-old femur, complicates our understanding of human evolution. First anatomists thought that the bones belonged Neanderthal, but further study led to the assumption that the bone belonged to even his predecessor, as the representative of a separate branch of hominids, known under the name of Denisovan. Conclusions leading anthropologists are redefining the last few hundred thousand years of human evolution. It is possible that there were many extinct human populations that may interbreed and thus exchanged DNA. 13. Dawn mini-organs grown in the laboratory miniature bodies give scientists new ways to study diseases and how they develop in human tissues. So-called "organelles" created from pluripotent stem cells. The result is a variety of tissues, which can be grown, for example, "minipochki" or tiny human brain no bigger than an apple seed. 14. Long-lost continent discovered at the bottom of the Indian Ocean For centuries, Maurice was hidden from the eyes: a small continent once stood between India and Madagascar, but a few million years ago, disappeared under the ocean waves due to tectonic faults. This year, thanks to the volcanic activity remains of a long-lost continent reached the Earth's surface. After millions of years of geological research and incredible Maurice seems to have been found. 15. Giant virus «Pandoravirus» can make us rethink our ideas about life in July, scientists announced the discovery of a pair of viruses, unclassifiable. These viruses, called «Pandoravirus», a genetically complex of all other viruses known to science, and can ignite long-standing debate about the classification of life itself. 16. NASA discovered "previously unknown surprise surrounding the Earth" NASA Satellites «Van Allen probes» - a pair of robotic spacecraft, launched in 2012, the year of the study couples Earth's radiation belts. In February this year, the satellites have found something interesting - an ephemeral third ring of radiation surrounding the planet. 17. Human cloning becomes a reality in May, researchers have received stem cells from cloned human embryos. This new controversial technique could lead to new treatments for diseases such as Parkinson's disease or diabetes - as well as a step to bring us closer to human reproductive cloning.

17 major scientific discoveries of 2013.

17 major scientific discoveries of 2013.

17 major scientific discoveries of 2013.

17 major scientific discoveries of 2013.

17 major scientific discoveries of 2013.

17 major scientific discoveries of 2013.

17 major scientific discoveries of 2013.

17 major scientific discoveries of 2013.

17 major scientific discoveries of 2013.

17 major scientific discoveries of 2013.

17 major scientific discoveries of 2013.

17 major scientific discoveries of 2013.

17 major scientific discoveries of 2013.

17 major scientific discoveries of 2013.

17 major scientific discoveries of 2013.

17 major scientific discoveries of 2013.

17 major scientific discoveries of 2013.


Stainless steel knives, folding into a single panel

the most ingenious invention of recent years

Simple device will save your ears from burns when styling hair with hot tongs

the most ingenious invention of recent years

Board, on which the paper is held by force of static electricity - no buttons or pins

the most ingenious invention of recent years

Magnetic lid switch

the most ingenious invention of recent years
Simple, but, nevertheless, an innovative idea - the magnet is strong enough. to keep a bunch of keys, pen with metal housing and even a hammer.

The door is transformed into a ping-pong table

the most ingenious invention of recent years
With this brilliant idea, ping-pong lovers can get a table for this game despite the modest living space.

Camping Tent with solar panels

the most ingenious invention of recent years
Enjoy the sun during the day and in the evening - you can read in his tent.


the most ingenious invention of recent years
Everything that you write this pen on paper, immediately displayed on the screen of your electronic device.


the most ingenious invention of recent years
Each member of the family - the size of the door!

Flower Pots

the most ingenious invention of recent years
Such a pot is a very important advantage - it just will not fall on the head of a passerby.

Pencil that can draw in the air

the most ingenious invention of recent years
Pencil squeezed from a special plastic which solidify, forming any three-dimensional lines and shapes.

"Dough" Sugru

the most ingenious invention of recent years
This substance accepts any form - like plasticine. Then it dries, hardens and adheres, if desired, to any surface. With the help of such a test can be done to handle the pan or patch torn sneakers.

Hot knife for cold butter

the most ingenious invention of recent years
The hot knife through butter passes easily from the refrigerator and sandwiches in the morning will leave much less time.

Container for lovers of snacks at an inopportune time

the most ingenious invention of recent years
This invention will help you unlearn the bad habit of snacking - it does not open until suitable preset time.

Mask to control dreams

the most ingenious invention of recent years
The interior of the mask have LEDs. They light up in a certain order and create the sight of a man certain light patterns. You do not sink into a deep sleep and get the opportunity to manage their own dreams.

Underwear, absorbing odors

the most ingenious invention of recent years
These shorts have a very thin activated carbon filter, so you do not threaten to spoil the air in the most inopportune moment.


Smartphones have become part of our lives, and now every now and then fall into different stories. Introducing five interesting facts related to these electronic gadgets.

1. Scientists from Harvard Business School (HBS) found a correlation between the size of the mobile device, the posture of man and his behavior. Briefly summarize their findings, we can say that the owners of large gadgets behave more confidently than owners of devices with small screens. The main reason for this - in a pose. Small smartphone makes the body involuntarily hump and shrink. But the use of the gadget with a large display allows you to be in the open position, which gives confidence. And, you can hide behind the wind, or, in which case, use your smartphone as a paddle or a shovel.
2. Smartphone for the owner - a very intimate thing. Therefore it is not surprising that even during sex, people do not let it go. Every tenth owner of the smartphone checks for updates, making love. Research on this topic was held recently in the United States, most likely in Russia, the situation is much the same.
3. Smartphones accepted blame for provoking various diseases. For example, say that long conversations on the mobile phone can lead to partial loss of hearing because the user constantly adjust the volume on the background of the surrounding street noise. Dirty body provokes skin problems. This is facilitated by the fact that part of the face to which the device is touched, often sweat during a conversation. Long conversations in an uncomfortable position lead to pain in the neck and back.
But the most interesting "disease" from a smartphone invented in South Korea. Local scientists have suggested that the craze of mobile devices and entertainment gadgets provokes "digital dementia", which manifests itself, in particular, as an inability to concentrate.
4. Despite the widespread popularity of removable panels for smartphones these days, in fact, the fashion for colored cover of mobile phones began in far 1998. Just then there was the Nokia 5110, to which it was possible to buy the different panels. Today in the lineup every major brand is "smart chameleon", but only one manufacturer (Highscreen) puts in a set of several interchangeable panels, others offer to buy them at an additional cost.
Highscreen Omega Prime XL sold with three caps included - black, white and lemon-yellow.Change the way you can instantly and completely free. And it is not only the dignity of the machine - Highscreen Omega Prime XL is equipped with an excellent 5.3-inch display, a powerful quad-core processor and supports also the work of two SIM-cards. Also in early August on sale there was a smaller version of a smartphone with a 4.7-inch display.
5. The American company TalkTalk Mobile held an unusual study to create a psychological portrait of smartphone owners on different operating systems - iOS, Android and BlackBerry. The conclusion is that the owners of iPhones pay great attention to their image and spend a lot of money. They see themselves as more attractive than owners of other "pipes." Travel a lot and communicate in social networks.
The owners of BlackBerry smartphones more business - they communicate a lot via email and earn 4,000 dollars a year more than the owners of other smartphones. They are also distinguished by the ability to building long-term relationships.
People with smartphones to Android on average have better manners and better prepared. And they are more likely than others to watch TV and drink more alcohol - if you measure the amount of alcohol consumed per week.


As you know, Google - is not only a search engine: it is one of the world leaders in the creation of gadgets, internet services, and more. The most curious development team is engaged in secret Google X, and among their projects - airships distributing wireless internet and the development of next-generation drugs, but this is just the tip of the iceberg: here are 10 ideas that the Internet giant seeks to implement.

1. The car without a driver will make traffic safer

7 stunning projects Google
Specialists Google X for several years working on the project Driverless Car Program.
Negotiations are underway with the authorities for permission to test the self-governing vehicles on public roads - as long as it only agree states of California and Nevada.
A fleet of ten vehicles with the test system will allow more than 480 assaults thousand km (as of August of 2012), and of course, the test continues. However, it is unclear when these systems will appear in the free market.

2. Google Glass will change the way you think about gadgets

7 stunning projects Google
Wearing these glasses, you can forget about the screens of smartphones and computers - the right information will always be available in only one eye movement.
One look up - and before you calendar, email, social networks, weather, in general, everything that you want.
Google Glass makes a revolutionary technology available to a wide range of people: while only a few lucky people, mostly developers and journalists were able to take advantage of a working prototype points, but consumers the opportunity be presented next year.

3. "Smart House" according to Google

7 stunning projects Google
The technology, called Android @ Home, will fully automate all life-support systems by connecting to the Internet, for example, while you are not home, the refrigerator will be able to order the necessary products itself, and coffee maker to make coffee exactly to your arrival.
Android @ Home will connect all electrical appliances in the house, starting and ending with a microwave oven lights, single control system, but Google has yet to reveal all the potential of a promising development.

4. Space elevator

7 stunning projects Google
As published in the magazine «Time» information in the Google X team. 2011, the year included the idea of ​​a "space elevator" in the so-called list of "What if ...". I must say, the very concept of this method of delivery to the orbit of people and goods more advanced Tsiolkovsky in 1895, the year.
Do not wait for Google's early implementation of this scheme - the development of a "lift into orbit" requires solving many technical problems, and increasingly say that embody this idea in life is impossible.However, it's probably Google thus "cover their tracks" to save the process of developing a secret.

5. Watch your smartphone on the Android platform

7 stunning projects Google
Recently it was reported that Google is preparing a direct competitor iWatch from Apple - watches, combined with a smartphone: of course, watches SmartWatch smartphone from Google will use the operating system Android.
This latest «must have» -new entry for gadget lovers will be available early next year.

6. Google will take care of your health

7 stunning projects Google
Internet giant has a stake in the company Adimab, is developing a system of diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, which would unite a variety of technologies and methods to combat diseases. The revolutionary idea is the invention of miniature sensors involved in search and optimization of antibodies produced by the body - to start treatment only need to swallow such a sensor.
Another development in the field of Google Health is a subsidiary company iPierian, creating the technology of "cellular reprogramming» (cellular reprogramming), which will deal with diseases by modifying cells.

7. Internet airships will cover the entire planet wireless

7 stunning projects Google
Google's ambitions as a provider of Internet reached unprecedented heights - the company is developing airships that will provide wireless entire planet, including remote regions in Africa and other parts of the Earth.
If the project is realized, in the "World Wide Web" will get about 1 billion more people - mostly from the "third world".

8. Game console based on Android

7 stunning projects Google
The popularity of the Android platform is growing around the world, and Google is seeking to use its capabilities to the maximum.
«Wall Street Journal» spoke about the development of the gaming console from Google, which is designed to be a "killer" similar technology "Yabloko» - Apple TV: game console from Google allow you to run any Android-games directly on your home television.

9. The Way Forward Google determine Motorola smartphones

7 stunning projects Google
Google Purchase of Motorola Mobility (transaction amounted to $ 12.5 billion) in the first allowed to become the owner of 24.5 thousand patents and development.
Under the wing of the Internet giant will release a smartphone Motorola Moto X based on Android, which has all the modern features and characteristics, as well as, of course, with some of the trendy "chips", which is no competitors - release date already quite close.

10. Eco-friendly energy sources

7 stunning projects Google
The company Makani Power - developer of advanced technologies in the use of wind and solar energy: Google previously invested in the company a lot of money, and has recently acquired its entirety and included in the project, which deals with Google X.
The most famous development of Makani Power - wind turbines, floating at an altitude of almost 300 m to 650 m-ti and allow to generate electricity out of thin air.