15 most anticipated features of smartphones
After the appearance of the original iPhone in 2007, the further evolution of smartphones was quite predictable: the big screen, faster processor, longer battery life, faster Internet connection and high resolution camera, more applications. But recent technological advances make it clear that it will soon take place in the evolution of smartphones radical changes. Here are 15 features that will appear in smartphones over the next five years ...

1. tricorder

Bluetooth 4.0 has led to the emergence of multiple sensors: biomedical (eg, heart rate, blood pressure), physical (distance traveled, calories burned number) and environmental (temperature, humidity), but each of them requires a separate application. Samsung has already established some sensors in the Galaxy S4, but five years later they may seem obsolete. By the end of this decade we will wear sensors everywhere: on shoes, sunglasses, belts, watches and clothes - they will not only allow us to control all the details of our body and know everything about the conditions of the environment, but also can contribute to the prevention and treatment of diseases. 2. Eyes or voice will serve as a password

As expected, Apple already allows you to set a password fingerprint - this function is expected to be in the model of iPhone 5S, but by 2018 the ninth year the phone as ID will be able to use the retina - this is called "eye scan" or "eye vein biometrics ". Company engaged in the development EyeVerify, and this technology can provide a threefold greater security than fingerprint identification.
Since we are talking about phones, then as an authenticator will be the voice of security, and such a model already exists - Baidu-Lenovo A586 was released in China. Also in the Carnegie Mellon University developed voice technology security - alphanumeric sequences, which are then transformed into passwords. 3. 32-Core Processors

Each application is installed on the smartphone is optimized for a specific processor power, and according to Moore's Law, smartphones may soon become a super-thin, with the number of processor cores can increase up to 32 - probably the competition between ARM and Intel may give rise to a new microarchitecture. Thus, after five years, smartphones will become more powerful than the most powerful laptops today. 4. Computational Cameras

Five years later, modern cameras will seem just as antiquated as today we seem to foil "Soap". Digital cameras disappear, but instead they will have computational camera that will work almost like human eyes - instantly focus, track objects and adapt to lighting conditions and prerequisites can be called Chimera from Nvidia and MEMS from DigitalOptics. The difference between the photo and the video will disappear thanks to functions as Zoe in the HTC One - you can make a short three-second clip, which will be the description to a photo, as well as help in selecting the most successful picture: instead of choosing the time, you're just doing a few shots in a row. 5. Voice-activated control

Touch screens will retain its value for smartphones, but with more powerful processors and sensors, five years, perhaps we will see more advanced version of useless Samsung Smart Scroll, built in the Galaxy S4, or «gaze detection» in the products Apple. It is also likely that there will be elements of voice control, and thus it will be possible to give all the teams - playing music, the answer to the challenge, launching applications or requests for information. Instead the team «Galaxy, called his mother" in your phone will be several "robots", each of which will perform its function, and powerful processors enable you to communicate with your phone and turn it into a universal translator. 6. Flexible screens

Many people say that the screens will soon be able to fold into a tube - this prediction is based on the current technology: YOUM OLED from Samsung and flexible glass Willow Glass from Corning. However, the more likely that in the future will be equipped with gadgets displays placed on the entire surface of your smartphone or on both sides of the wide - so will be possible to view both sides. Or will one wide screen, which can be folded in half, but who, as in the wallet will not slit in the middle. The screens of smartphones will be flexible with new materials such as polymers, flexible circuit boards and batteries reconfiguration. Phone can twist and bend at any angle for convenience or give additional management capabilities: for example, you can twist the smartphone handset to enable or disable it, and break your phone to the 2018-th year will be no longer possible. 7. Transflective LCDs

Transflective LCDs reflect sunlight or themselves, eliminating the need for illumination in sunlight, and when the sun is shining brightly, the pictures will be sharper and brighter. The problem is that at the moment transflective LCDs are very expensive, and the contrast decreases as the lack of light, so far no one smartphone maker would not use this technology. However, the technology is too good to be from it so easy to give up, and in the next five years there will definitely solve the problem. 8. Eternal batteries

There are two emerging technologies, the essence of which lies in the fact that living cells reproduce energy: they can do it for a week without needing to be recharged. The first technology - energy from hydrogen cells - Apple is developing in conjunction with semiconductor manufacturer ROHM, Aquafairy and Kyoto University. Perhaps more promising is another technology - the development of lithium-ion microbatteries: University of Illinois officials argue that the performance of the new batteries in 2000 times above today's lithium-ion - New recharged almost instantly, and their power will be enough to start the dead battery car. Therefore, in 2018, the year no one can complain about the shrunken the battery, even if it appears alone on a desert island. 9. Smartphones will be the key to all

NFC, or near field communication, is not yet popular, even rarer NFC-enabled headphones, speakers, or other similar devices. In addition, there is still no mobile wallets - perhaps people do not believe in what their money would be safe, but ultimately Apple's products will surely be NFC. Sooner or later we will pay for purchases in the store with your smartphone Moreover, we will use it to travel on public transport, to open the doors of hotel rooms and the door of his house - in short, by 2018 the ninth year the smart phone will replace the cards and keys. 10. Positioning inside buildings

Five years later, you can determine exactly where in the building you are and how to get to a particular store.
With GPS, you can find your way in large metropolitan areas, suburbs or in the middle of the forest, and some technologies, including RTLS, allow us to find a man shopping centers, hospitals, airport or office.Unlike GPS, which do not cover the area inside the buildings, installed on your smartphone IPS will determine your position in the room. Although standards for IPS is currently not yet defined, developed in recent years, In-Location Alliance is developing in this direction. 11. Software radio

Many mobile operators in the United States announced plans for deployment of HD Voice technology in this or next year, but the GSM system from AT & T and T-Mobile are not compatible with CDMA-based HD Voice on Sprint and Verizon. Thus, the technology is not yet marketed, but it has an alternative in the form of software-defined radio (SDR). SDR can not only improve the quality of voice transmission without affecting compatibility issues, but also to solve all these difficulties, replacing dependence of bandwidth on specific processors, tuners and antennas on software solutions. Thus, to solve the problems of compatibility between domestic and international networks need only innovative software.12. Watertightness

Three companies - Liquipel, Hz0 (WaterBlock) and P2i (Aridion) - working on waterproofing technology over the past few years. Motorola, for example, on some phones uses a solution of P2i, called SplashGuard. Liquipel also offers a range of waterproof mobile phone, as well as sells pretreated iPhone 5S and Samsung Galaxy S3s. Water resistant smartphone - only a matter of time. 13. LTE Advanced / 5G

US mobile operators also report the next generation 4G LTE - LTE Advanced, or IMT-Advanced: for example, the new LTE-network from T-Mobile already support LTE Advanced, which can theoretically increase the data rate three times. However, LTE Advanced - not 5G, which does not require high frequency spectrum and faces many technical obstacles: for example, Samsung recently demonstrated 5G, providing one Gbps, but the distance of transmission is a problem, and even Samsung recognizes that technology is on the market to come 2020.. The connection speed with LTE Advanced will be akin to connect fiber optic cable to your phone and will provide a speed 100 times faster than 3G, while using much less bandwidth. As a result of the heavy load file or streaming video on a smartphone in 2018, the year will be just as quick and seamless as your Ethernet-connected to a stationary PC now. 14. The ubiquity of Wi-Fi

By 2018, the ninth year it will be possible to leave the house, get on the plane and go to another continent and remain in their own wireless networks.
The company Wi-Fi Alliance in conjunction with the Wireless Broadband Alliance and several mobile operators are preparing to submit Passpoint, to ensure a Automatic secure connection to the Wi-Fi from anywhere in the world. Will no longer scroll through the list of available wireless networks, or lists of passwords - Passpoint make a connection to the Internet is as easy as connecting to the network. 15.Mobile Design

By 2018, the ninth year smartphones can stop to look as smart phones we already know that the flexible screens will add them to the ergonomics and aesthetics, in addition, there is a "smart" watches like the Sony SmartWatch or Pebble. By 2018, the ninth year smartphones will change: CPU will look as something that you already wear - watches, belt or shoes, or attached to clothing, or they may be similar to Google Glass - you may even be able to buy ocular implant that allows you to see your own "screen" floating in front of you air.


These watches are not designed to just watch them time. This is a work of art and a masterpiece of engineering.
To see what time it is, there are the usual hours. Among watchmakers around the world they are called «tool watch» - Watch tool, or «watch watch» - Watch the clock. Clock, about which we describe in this material - "kinetic sculptures" the best masters of their craft. They are bought by connoisseurs, regardless of the price space, and carefully stored in their collections.
Each year, the ranks of amazing clocks replenished. From this set we selected for you 25 of the best samples of the past three years.

Christophe Colomb Hurricane Grand Voyage

25 fantastic hours
25 fantastic hours
25 fantastic hours
Model Zenith Christophe Colomb Hurricane Grand Voyage dedicated to the great Christopher Columbus to the shores of this American continent.
All items decor watches are made and painted by hand. At six o'clock position on both sides stands a glass bowl with a tourbillon.
Swiss movement with manual winding consists of 939 parts, the strap is made of alligator leather with triple folding clasp in 18-carat pink gold.
Limited edition of ten copies.

Geo.Graham Tourbillon Orrery

25 fantastic hours
Solar system on one hand conceived Isaac Newton, George Graham as early as 1713. On the anniversary of the scheme and were released Tourbillon Orrery.
In the center of the dial located tourbillon, which shines in the middle of the diamond - this is the sun.Around him the planets move: sapphire earth with his companion rhodium Moon, Mars and ruby. While driving the precious "planets" in orbit hours equal to the real turnover of around the sun.
Counter years on the rear panel indicates the hours correction for planets (Moon for 7 years for the Earth 1156 years and 25 years for Mars). The watch has a scale and zodiacal calendar that will perform well for 300 years.
Model is only available to collectors.
The cost - about $ 350,000.

Jacob & Co. Epic SF24

25 fantastic hours
Non-standard indicator of time zones - "superstructure" above the dial - is very different reactions among connoisseurs: from admiration to resentment. It is similar to the information board at the airport, which displays the city and the difference in hours. The city changed by pressing a button on the left, making a total 24. This option is ideal for those who travel a lot.
There are versions in white and pink gold, high-tech titanium. Power reserve 40 hours.
Cost - from $ 80,000 to $ 100,000 (depending on the case).

U-Boat U-65

25 fantastic hours
25 fantastic hours
Italo Fontana wanted to bring back a little of the sublime in our society and created a minimalist model of watch that, as it should have been in the XVI century, a chain attached to the pants. More than anything from the 16th century in the U-65 no. The rest - is rampant futurism and exclusive. The same chain made by a specially developed scheme.
Dial with three time zones is made of a titanium alloy has chronograph.
Total of 99 pieces.

Christophe Claret X TREM-1

25 fantastic hours
The first model chronographs X TREM-1 - fusion of aesthetics and technological innovation. The first thing that catches the eye is the flying tourbillon. This effect is achieved by tilting the tourbillon in relation to the dial 30 °.
Two hollow steel sphere encased in tubes of sapphire glass on the right and the left, move the most mysterious way. They have no support and operate only under the influence of magnetic fields. Wherein two magnets arranged so that no harmful effects on the course of hours.
Chronograph consists of 419 parts and has a margin of 50 hours.
Cost - from $ 270,000 to $ 300,000.

Romain Jerome. Steampunk Auto 100th Anniversary

25 fantastic hours
The main feature Steampunk Auto 100th Anniversary - genuine metal casing of the sunken "Titanic", used in the housing and second indicator, which resembles the blade of the ship. The idea is not new, but it looks powerful and demand.
The back cover is decorated with a medallion pattern reminiscent of the 100-year anniversary of the collapse of the "Titanic", in honor of that and released the model. The dial is integrated directly into the mechanism and is protected by a sapphire crystal. Black arrows reminiscent of the anchor of "Titanic".The watch is released in a limited edition of 100 copies.
The cost - up to $ 30,000.


25 fantastic hours
The focus of the new model Magelluna from Magellan Watch - dial decorated by hand. Under the sapphire dome is realistic hemisphere of the Moon, which are seen on the surface of craters and traces of meteorites. Branded curved arrows accurately along the contour of the hemisphere and show they are, of course, the earthly. Steel body model has a black wear resistant coating.

Harry Winston Histoire de Tourbillon No.3

25 fantastic hours
The third model series Histoire de Tourbillon is the result of complex synchronization between the rotational speed, the masses involved elements, the force of inertia and even resonance.
Internal double tourbillon carriage biaxial makes a revolution in 40 seconds, and external - for 120 seconds. Second, single-axis tourbillon quietly makes a complete rotation in 36 seconds. The whole ensemble is connected into a single unit balancing differential.
The housing is 77-component three-dimensional structure of zaliuma, zirconium alloy and white gold.Indicator disk 50-hour power reserve decorated with sapphires and citrines.
Limited edition of 20 copies.
The cost - about $ 700,000.

De Bethune DB28

25 fantastic hours
Important in this model - innovation. Firstly, the "floating ears" of titanium which are able to follow the shape of the wrist. With this watch always sit nice and comfortable.
The second innovation - the "triple parachute system" that protects the movement from shocks. This titanium bridge, stay on springs - you can see it at the bottom of the dial.
DB28 are available in several versions - in various combinations of gold, anthracite and titanium. At 6 o'clock in the small window is an indicator of the phase of the moon - it is so precise that errs on the day only after 122 years.
Cost - $ 85,000.

Harry Winston Opus Eleven

25 fantastic hours
25 fantastic hours
In 2011, Harry Winston presented a model of the eleventh in a series of Opus. The watch is made in the form of a bizarre combination of three panels of cylindrical shape, located at different levels, two of which are infused with their axes in the main panel. One consists of two discs with scales that show minutes and tens of minutes, and the second shows the operation of a large balance wheel made of titanium.
Opus Eleven visual image is made ​​in the spirit of abstract art. The main dial is composed of a plurality of rollers and gears, which in a chaotic manner are 24 panels with halves of numbers, every hour "exploding" and collected in the appropriate number in the center of the board. The back panel is made ​​of transparent glass and three-layer exposes the details of the mechanism 566 to 155 stones.
In a limited edition series of 111 included in all copies.
Cost - from $ 230,000.

Urwerk 110

25 fantastic hours
Futuristic clock Ur-110 - a work of the Swiss company Urwerk. Clad in titanium case, they resemble a planetary companion with three interconnected modules.
From 0 to 60 minutes displayed in the right side of the clock and moves vertically downwards. The very same arrow shows the time of day. This arrangement allows glances at his watch imperceptibly.
The dial is protected by a sapphire crystal. On the back of the cabinet has two charge air "turbine", which are designed to minimize wear when driving hours and serve for automatic winding system.
Cost - $ 130,000.

Da Vindice Tourbillon Barometer

25 fantastic hours
Buying Da Vindice Tourbillon Barometer allow never be wrong about the weather. This is the first mechanical watch with a tourbillon that measure atmospheric pressure. Miniature barometer is located at around six hours. For the first time a similar clock byly released Swiss firm back in 2010, but the exhibition Baselworld-2013 provided updated model of the limited edition of 50 copies.
At around ten o'clock there is a power reserve indicator. Watches are equipped with Swiss automatic movement with automatic winding and a power reserve of 42 hours.
Tourbillon Barometer is available in two versions: 18-carat rose or white gold. Water Resistant - 3 ATM.
Cost - $ 210,000.

The Gagarin Tourbillon

25 fantastic hours
Watch issued for the anniversary of the first manned flight into space.
Built-in magnifying glass allows us to estimate the smallest details of decoration of the dial, it rises and falls. Tourbillon watch Gagarin Tourbillon rotates around its axis in 60 seconds and makes a complete revolution around the dial for 108 minutes. And this figure - also a reference to 108 minutes, during which Gagarin circled the globe.
Tourbillon itself like a curved suspended bridge that resembles an obelisk mounted near the city of Engels, where he landed the "East."
Gagarin Tourbillon watches were issued in a limited edition of 50 platinum pieces.
Cost - $ 405,000.

Eva Leube Ari

25 fantastic hours
To develop curved hours Eva Leube company spent four years. In order to choose the perfect angle "curvature", measured set of wrist and calculated the average "curvature".
Watchmakers companies brilliantly realized curved mechanism that fit perfectly into the case of sapphire glass with hand-engraved 18-karat gold or platinum 950.
All the dials are also made of 18-carat gold, and arrows - blue steel.
The cost - up to $ 126,000.

Ludovic Ballouard Upside Down

25 fantastic hours
Independent watchmaker Ludovic Ballouard developed a new version of its model Upside Down («upside down"). The name is connected with inverted display digits, except the one that indicates the current hour.
Dial Upside Down equipped with one of the central arrow to indicate the minutes. It is not the minute markings. 6 hours there is an additional dial with second hand. Closes dial sapphire crystal.
Strap with platinum buckle is made of dark blue skin.
Cost - from $ 55,000.

Nord Zeitmaschine Quickindicator

25 fantastic hours
Swiss Daniel Nebel probably wanted to speed up the time. On the new model Quickindicator minute hand makes a turn from "60" to "60" exactly one hour, but on her way - a lot of intricate loops, whereby the arrow has to run faster than conventional watches.
This clock with the minute hand of the fastest in the world.
Cost - $ 12,000.

Greubel Forsey GMT 3D titanium Globe

25 fantastic hours
On the dial GMT established a three-dimensional model of a rotating globe, which provides an indication of the global time.
Globe is fixed at around the South Pole and at night makes a full turn counterclockwise, which corresponds to the actual motion of the planets. Equator "Earth" can be considered through a window on the side of the housing.
On the back cover is a CD with the names of 24 cities, each of which represents one of the time zones.In the middle is the scale of summer time, and outside - the local.
Cost - $ 650,000.

Hublot MP 05 tribute to Ferrari

25 fantastic hours
Dream owners "Ferrari": powerful engine under the hood and a copy - on hand. Work on the clock ran parallel to the work on the super car "Maranello". The shape resembles a transparent sapphire glass bonnet Ferrari, and the mechanism - the engine. The back cover is made of titanium coated with a heavy-duty black PVD. Dynamics adds a rubber strap with titanium buckle.
The mechanism consists of 637 moving parts, and the tourbillon ensures 100% accuracy. 11 shafts provide a power reserve of 50 days. Large numbers painted on each cylinder Fotoluminiscent pigment, so the time can be seen in the dark.
The watch is released in a limited edition of 50 numbered copies.
Cost - $ 345,000.

ArtyA Son of a Gun Target

25 fantastic hours
The focus of the Swiss brand watches ArtyA - target and dust from the powder, mixed with gold. "Ears" are decorated with 32 diamonds that conflicts with the military theme, but adds luxury. Watches are equipped with automatic Swiss movement, which is in limbo. On the back side ArtyA Target also flaunts target.
The cost - up to $ 22,000.

Devon Tread 1- Exoskeleton

25 fantastic hours
These watches were designed explicitly fans of steampunk. Specialists Devon made open and transparent body, leaving it is based ballistic polycarbonate, bullet-proof and scratch resistant.
The watch is available in two versions - in white and pink gold. Belts, played the role of the dial, in Exoskeleton made of a transparent material.

Horological Machine No.5. HM5

25 fantastic hours
25 fantastic hours
Model MB & F HM5 was nicknamed «On The Road Again» for two reasons. Firstly, the watch designed especially for drivers. Second, the design of the case resembles a fastback with back slit windows - as in the famous car Lamborghini Miura. These blades can be opened and closed by means of a small lever.With this light falls on the figures and elements coated svetonakoplyayuschim element.
The body is made in the form of a wedge that makes it easy to check the time without taking your hands off the wheel. Special prism sapphire crystal displays the numbers on the side from which it is viewed, and increases them by 20%.
All the world will be sold 66 copies.
Cost - $ 63,000.

Jaquet Droz Bird Repeater

25 fantastic hours
Limited model Bird Repeater from the Swiss company Jaquet Droz is a symbol of life in every sense. When you run the repeater trigger 8 different animated mechanisms: move not only birds, but even the chicks and eggs in the nest.
The body is made of 18-carat rose or white gold, dial - black onyx. Sapphire crystal is mounted on the front side of the body and on the back cover.
Limited edition of 8 copies.
The cost - up to $ 500,000.

Konstantin Chaykin "Lunokhod"

25 fantastic hours
This model is the only one Russian watchmakers adopted in AHCI (Academie horlogere des createurs independants), Konstantin Chaykin.
"Lunokhod" named in honor of the glorious achievements of the Soviet space program in the study of the Earth's satellite. The main novelty is the piece ball with a diameter of 12mm, symbolizing the moon made ​​of Damascus steel vutsa Indian (Wootz). It, like the earth's shadow gradually closes the silver hemisphere with a black rhodium-plated, revolving around it. Such a display of lunar phases used for the first time in watchmaking.
The cost - about $ 800,000.

Chopard 201 Sarat

25 fantastic hours
The most expensive watch in the world worth $ 25 million, and on their background clock for half a million or more so for 100 thousand dollars does not look quite so and expensive. But much more beautiful than this unbridled luxury of 874 diamonds.
Cost - $ 25 million.

Haldimann H9 Reduction

25 fantastic hours
This watch, we would like to introduce you to the latest, because they challenge the entire watch industry and, in a sense, high society, with its glamor and luxury. A sort of hour trolling the level of "God."
Haldimann H9 Reduction feature a flying tourbillon caliber and H.Zen-1 with hand winding, the frequency of vibrations which reaches 18,800 per hour. But see the technical perfection can not be as elementary and see the time. The dial is protected in every sense of the opaque blue-black sapphire crystal. The owner can only hear the continuous operation of gears and look at your reflection in the black "mirror."
The brand owner Bill Haldimann still did a favor for admirers of his talent - the back panel cover is made of a translucent material.
Cost - $ 175,000.


Safety rules when working with your smartphone (photo)
One of the main problems is the smartphone to users for them. Despite the fact that smartphones are almost complete replacement for a laptop or home computer, many refer to him as a normal phone, which is fraught with possible negative consequences. 
To better understand how stupid things we often do on your phone, try to position it as not your fancy mobile, but as a smaller version of a laptop computer. With every action ask yourself the question: would I do on my laptop? That's how the problem will become more apparent.

1. We do not set a password for your smartphone
Somehow all care about the safety of your laptop, but do not pay enough attention to the smartphone.Why do we zaparolivaem system on a laptop? Obviously, we carry it with you, but there are people around us, and we do not want these people with a certain situation could freely get into our computer.
In this regard, in the smartphone even easier to get into, because we used to lay it on the table. Do not forget about the attacker. Unprotected password smartphone will cause a great temptation to steal from a thief, if he finds the lack of protection. In this regard, it is much easier to steal someone else smartphone, rather than spend time and energy on the discharge to protect your smartphone.
Smartphone - it's almost a complete replacement of the computer (photo)
2. We will make purchases via mobile browser, rather than through the application
Any self-respecting major online store offers smartphone users a special application for shopping. The fact that the data from the application is much harder to intercept, they are insulated inside and outside are much less visible.
In addition, malicious software can be operated via a browser, but to intervene in the buying process through the application much more difficult. The only thing you need to make sure the user - is the authenticity of the application being used and the lack of it "improvements" from third parties.
3. We do not razloginivaemsya in critical services
holy belief that our smartphone - it's only our smartphone, and no one will ever be able to reach it, and generates such carelessness. It is unlikely that you leave your bank card within reach of the people around them. It is understood that staying logged in financial and social services, you are actually completely give all their finances and personal information to anyone who would pick up your smartphone (especially in view of the first paragraph).
Do not allow such services to save your entries in the mobile browser or application. Of course, you do not really want to enter each time data at the entrance, but the price for financial security and data privacy.
Financial security when using your smartphone (photo)
4. We allow the smartphone to automatically connect to any open Wi-Fi network
Perhaps it is convenient, but here's how to find out who administers the network and what are his intentions? With appropriate software, which is freely available, the attacker can gain access to your data.
5. We reserve the Bluetooth enabled
smartphone hacking There are methods and via Bluetooth. Despite the fact that this method requires the immediate vicinity of the attacker from the victim, crowded places such as shopping malls, airports and similar places can be an excellent manger for such individuals.
6. We do not scrub data from old smartphones
Often people do not pay enough attention to the complete purification of the smartphone data before passing it to others. This can be a gift or sale, but you do not know who will end up device.
Need a premeditated plan for long-term transmission smartphone others, which must include factory reset with the complete removal of all the data, as well as low-level format the removable drive.
How to protect your smartphone from intruders (photo)
7. We download the incomprehensible applications from unknown sources
is great if Goolge help you find the apk file a paid application, but to analyze the contents of this application for malicious code or functions he can not. We rarely read permissions applications, and it is likely a situation where such a "freebie" suddenly merge all your logins, passwords, credit cards and other critical private information to third parties, in passing sending spam to all your friends and a few SMS to premium numbers.
It is worth remembering that in the world there are few enthusiasts who make the toll free only from a sense of solidarity with the principles of Linus Torvalds.
Malicious applications for smart phones (photos)
8. We keep very personal information on a smartphone
This largely relates to the preceding paragraphs, but it is necessary to understand: photos "not for everyone", e-mail and documents, financial data and any other information representing the value should not be stored on the smartphone accessible form. Especially talented and stored on the smartphone password file called "passwords." It is very polite towards intruders.
9. We do not clean history in the mobile browser
history stored in your mobile browser - it's almost the same as the situation described in the third paragraph. If the attacker is a persistent desire to gain access to your data, the presence of history in the browser can help them greatly.
10. We do not set a smartphone application to remotely formatting
Of course, if your device is stolen with the clear objective to steal data from it, then this application will not help, but if you have lost your smart phone or it was stolen just in order to sell, then this app will help if they do not return the smartphone, then at least to deprive the new owner access to your information.
Area paranoid
Perhaps you would think that all this gives nonweak paranoia. In the end, if you - not the head of the department of development of top-secret things, and your electronic accounts do not have millions, why would someone your data? Never rule out a simple self-indulgence, it has not been canceled. In addition, each account has stolen any service - a great spam-bot that has a list of friends to trust him. Anyway, the list of your contacts would not hurt to make a couple of large databases for spamming.
How to protect your smartphone (photo)


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And this HP 4310s mini laptop gadgets product that will be presented from August with cost opening at 429 euros and that will be very depending on option preferred and in this situation that we can decide a face in red or black on bright

MANLIO M3 NETBOOK Laptop Gadgets Product

This is really great and advance MANLIO M3 NETBOOK laptop product are presenting much reliable and great high advance technology based manufactured MANLIO M3 NETBOOK laptop gadgets product and usable manufacturing acesserious is really great and high technologically.

And the technical specifications for the ultra common and we all know the memory and although if there is any repeat confused in the room just like Atom N270, 10.2-inch LED display and 1024 × 600 pixels resolution and 160 GB hard drive and 1 GB of DDR2 RAM.

The MANLIO M3 NETBOOK laptop gadgets product keeps these specifications but it comes to adding a few things quite rare to see in this type of equipment. And this MANLIO M3 NETBOOK laptop gadgets product is most common is usually a 3G modem or a TV tuner but the choices are much broader. And the second difference of MANLIO M3 NETBOOK laptop gadgets product and a fingerprint reader that works similarly to how it does in laptops are used for user authentication not only in the operating system.

Really great MANLIO M3 NETBOOK laptop gadgets product maintains the specifications of the vast majority of teams already in the market but is adding a couple of distinguishing features and that can be available throughout the month of July in various colors and a price around 360 euros

HP Mini 5101 Z Laptop Gadgets

This is a latest HP mini 5101 Z laptop are presenting much reliable and remarkable future I mean these latest HP mini 5101 Z laptop gadgets is different from services and look. And this ultra-HP have always been very focused toward a more professional than those of other manufacturers are the HP 5101 Mini laptop gadgets takes that idea to the fullest.

It does so with an aluminum casing and magnesium to provide a computer with a rugged design and sober but interesting. It has also been enhanced usability and with the most important change being the move the buttons on the side of the track pad to the bottom and it is much more common. The keyboard has a size of 95% of a conventional keyboard and its keys are more resistant to erosion by protecting the Dura Keys coats.

The screen of the HP Mini 5101 is 10.1 inches and can choose UAN resolution of 1024 × 600 pixels or 1366 x 768 pixels. It keeps the classic Intel Atom processor and improves with a storage hard drive to 7200 rpm or a choice of a disc of 80 GB SSD or 128 GB. Another option available is the 3G connectivity and thanks to a Gobi module and a 6-cell series that promise to 8 hours of autonomy.

Ultra steel official Android Laptop Gadgets Product

This is really different Android laptop are presenting much reliable and remarkable future and whole part for this Android laptop gadgets product is based on latest unique design and properties. And the Acer has already made its first official ultra Android operating system and it will be an Acer Aspire One and will be available after the summer.

And the few details have been given the brand are only stress again and again that the choice of Android reflects the nature of its own ultra that can be which must be connected to the Internet all the time and the full integration of services that Google itself is insured are as well as a community of developers. Android laptop gadgets product will be offered on the Acer Aspire One with Windows XP version of the time but it is logical to think the move to Windows 7 from the month of October.

Android laptop gadgets product one will also be dual-boot system with Linux sharing and in this case the price of ORDENENADOR is expected to be cheaper by saving on the license. And this Android laptop gadgets product has already made official what many others will in the coming weeks and I think this is not as separate operating system but on a dual boot. Android laptop gadgets product will be work primarily in navigation and web applications and OPTRO system that accompanies it, either Linux or Windows are will complete it

Samsung R720 with a 17 inch screen Laptop Gadgets Product

Here is available high advance design based Samsung R720 with a 17 inch screen laptop gadgets product are presenting much reliable and remarkable future and whole part for this Samsung R720 with a 17 inch screen laptop gadgets product is really great and amazing so I can say that is different from look and design.

And that is a little strange Samsung R720 with a 17 inch screen laptop gadgets product and the Samsung R720 gadgets product is a multimedia section and wants to emphasize graphics and offer some services aimed at those who like play with your computer.

And this Samsung R720 with a 17 inch screen laptop gadgets product is presenting reliable future just like this is illuminated with LEDs and that can be display graphics in HD resolution and we add a graphic card ATI Mobility RADEON HD4650 and complementing the multimedia section with a 4-watt stereo speakers with a subwoofer and 3D sound with SRS.

And the keypad of the Samsung R720 will have enough room to be as comfortable as a desktop. In fact, this model includes keypad. And another connection are four USB 2.0 ports and one ESATA and allowing bending as the load devices connected to it even when the computer is off

Latest HP PROBOOK Laptop Series Gadgets Product

This is latest high advance conceptual Latest HP PROBOOK laptop series product are presenting much reliable and extra amazing conceptual future and whole part of this Latest HP PROBOOK laptop series gadgets product is based on latest advance technology and concept. So I can say that is such a great Latest HP PROBOOK laptop series gadgets product.

So I can say which want to offer models with interesting features and a design away from the typical laptop for business and the use of color came in one of the models shows that approach and this model is available on market various color. And the HP range PROBOOK Series that will be comprised of laptops with screens of 14, 15.6 and 17.3 inches and the size makes the keyboard is big enough to work in comfort and with a design that links about the usability of conventional keyboards and dirt makes no leakage between the keys.

And five models will be available on market just like HPPROBOOK the 4410s and 4415s and with 14-inch display with LED lights, Intel or AMD processor and Bluetooth. And this laptop gadgets product are presenting various reliable future just like include Gobi technology for connecting to broadband and this is a 17.3-inch model and includes with Intel Core 2 Duo processor, graphics card ATI Mobility RADEON HD 4330 and integrated numeric keypad

Weekend Laptop: Samsung Q320 and R522 Laptop Gadgets

Here is the stylish design of Samsung Q320 and R522 laptop and this is available in amazing look and it is built-in excellent quality stuff countless possibilities to build almost very circumstances of usability or comfortably are the outcome this Samsung Q320 and R522 laptop gadgets is best for your work this is smoothly and you feel better on this Samsung Q320 and R522 laptop gadgets you can comfortably.

And this Samsung Q320 and R522 laptop gadgets is already on sale in Spain and this is the world of laptops today have to be presented to highlight something else and these two laptops have some unusual features. And the Samsung Q320 laptop gadgets is used LED screen without frame and plus one unit for optical disc-loading slot.

And Samsung R522 laptop gadgets autonomy is 5 hours with a battery of six cells and presenting more interesting is the USB charging port that can be allows us to recharge various gadgets including the laptop off. And used Keyboards also have a hermetic seal that protects the system against damage that may occur if you spill up to 100 cc. liquid on the keyboard or anywhere in the computer case.

And similar Samsung Q320 laptop gadgets is an interesting 13.4-inch LED display and with no context that makes it eye-catching design and presenting extra amazing future just like Core 2 Duo P7450, 3 GB of RAM, 320 GB hard drive and another future NVIDIA GEFORCE graphics card and HDMI output G105M so I can say this is such a great and high advance Samsung Q320 and R522 laptop gadgets, I love it