Laptop designs of future

Technology grows too fast and to keep ourselves synchronized with the modern trends, we must take into account every progress whether that may be of past or of the future.

Compiled below is a list of the most futuristic concept laptop designs, some of which have won achievement awards while the rest are just too cool to know about.

Take a look and let us know which one of these do you think will most likely embrace reality in coming times.

Canova Dual Screen Laptop

Canova Dual Screen Laptop possesses two screens, a multi sensitive touch screen and is very easy to use. Not only can it be used to handle your daily computing tasks but it also lets you read articles on your laptop in the old-school newspaper fashion.

Vaio Zoom

Vaio Zoom notebook features a holographic glass screen that goes transparent and a keyboard that turns opaque when turned off. Turn it onand the touchscreen holographic festivities begin.

Descom is basically a two-in-one concept laptop which seamlessly integrates inside a desk.

MacTab is the complement to MyBook in the high-end. The incredibly thin wireless keyboard is used as a protection cover for transportation. It stays in place with a combination of magnets and notches.
LG Ecological Laptop Concept

LG Ecological laptop concept uses fuel cell batteries and features organic light-emitting diode (OLED) display technology, it received a Red Dot Award nomination for best concept design.
Compenion Laptop Concept

Compenion concept laptop by Felix Schmidberger consists of two sliding OLED screens, one of which can be used as a keyboard, where necessary.
Samsung Amoled Concept

Amoled concept notebook by Samsung features a unique design which is thin and sleek and a touch-sensitive keyboard which lacks tactile feedback.
Traveller Concept Laptop

Travellor concept laptop is a GPS enabled navigation system for pedestrians with internal storage to save photos or data and built-in Geotagging functionality so you always know where you took your photos.

Canvas is a futuristic concept laptop that is supposed to provide a better quality for the designer and also its said that it will raise the productive rate of the artist. It will feature a very thin touchscreenand the other components will look just about the same but they will be better adjusted.
Macbook 0801

Macbook 0801 concept laptop by Isamu Sanada is more like a black version of the now Macbook Air. It also features an ultra-thin keyboard and a very sleek design.


Porting classic arcade games into consoles has become
the latest rage in the gaming industry. The trend
clearly affirms the fact that arcade games are not

The gamers are not an elderly bunch of people who grew
up on these titles. Kids are also addicted to it. The
games have been revamped graphically but never shed
the addictive game play which, of course, is the part
and parcel of every game.

Arcade games have not been graphically interesting,
but this move successfully negates the fact that the
popularity of a game largely depends on its game play
and not seemingly awe-inspiring graphics.

This phenomenon has also triggered a resurrection of
arcade games and made it popular among online gamers.
Arcade games are also being ported into handheld
consoles like PSP.

This clearly indicates the popularity of arcade

Some of the ported titles are:

Geometry Wars - The game was a classic when it was
released back in 80’s. The upgrade features high end
particle physics, digital sound, new special effects,
a new scrolling area and high end graphics.

It is set in the far reaches of the galaxy where you
battle hordes of vile, neon blazoned aliens. It also
lets you choose between the old version and the
updated version.

Pac-man - The all time classic has been upgraded with
high definition graphics. The game still retains the
original game play and the charming retro look.

The newer version features 250 levels of pure action
packed fun. The game retains the original music and
sound score that the fans remember so well.

Virus? How Do I Clean It Up?

Virus? How Do I Clean It Up?

Computer viruses are small software programs that are designed to spread from one computer to another and to interfere with computer operation. A virus might corrupt or delete data on your computer, use your e-mail program to spread itself to other computers, or even erase everything on your hard disk.

As soon as you suspect that your computer has a virus, remove your computer from any networks it might be on, as well as from the Internet, so that you don't inadvertently spread the bug to others. Unplug your network cable if you have to.If you have virus-scanning (anti-virus) software installed, run it. If you don't have anti-virus software, you'll need to obtain some.

Turn off system restore because this is where most of the viruses hide. Anti-virus programs can eradicate the virus in this zone unless system restore is turned off. To find this in Windows XP, right click on "my computer" then click on "properties" then choose "system restore" then tick the "turn off system restore" button. Run the anti-virus software then turn system restore on again.Follow the instructions that came with the anti-virus software. Keep running the virus-scanning software until your computer comes up clean.

Reconnect your computer to the Internet and check with the anti-virus software's publisher to make sure you have the latest updates. If not, download them now. After updating the anti-virus software, run it again until your computer comes up clean.

Sometimes viruses are very persistent meaning that if you kill it, it restarts itself automatically. If this happens, it is important to know where the program is located on your hard-drive. For this, I recommend Process Explorer. It is free, and works on all Windows OSes.

Run Process Explorer, and find out where the file is. If you aren't sure about which process is the malware, right click every one you know isn't bad, and click "Google Search" and that should tell you if it is bad. Once you know which and where the bad file is, reboot and tap F8 while booting. When you see the option, tell your computer to boot to safe-mode. This will run only the basic, necessary-to-run-your-computer programs. Then, go and delete the file that you have found to be malware. Do the registry check mentioned above, and boot normally. If you do not know how to access your registry, it is Start->Run->regedit in Windows XP, and probably older ones, but I can't guarantee that. Beware! The registry is highly sensitive! Don't play with it, because that could ruin your computer!

If you are searching the Internet for anti-spy-ware/virus programs, you should be wary. Some of them call themselves the anti of what they really are. Anything that says immediately that your computer has many problems (100s to 1000s) should not be trusted. Don't be scared into buying it, because that's exactly what the makers want; and if you're like me, you would agree that anyone who has to lie to scare you into buying from them doesn't deserve your money.

Is Your Anti-Virus Software Working Properly?

With the Internet growing vast each day, you can’t compromise on your PC security. The risk of receiving infection has increased while you surf and download free stuff like music files, movies, and videos from the Web. Such matter is virus infected and multiplies itself once it gets into your system. Slow speed, redirecting of your startup homepage, frequent pop ups, shortcuts on your desktop, annoying advertisements and formation of unknown toolbars are some of the common symptoms that mark the entry of virus. Many people have an antivirus applications installed but they do not configure them correctly. Just installing the application does not mean that the application is working properly to stop the threat or infection. You must update your antivirus software regularly. Below is a tips to check either your antivirus software are working or not.

- Open your Notepad

- Copy the code exactly in the notepad : X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H*

- Now Save it with the name fakevirus.exe in any of your folder/drives.

- If this file got deleted immediately, then it means that your antivirus is working properly and updated !!

- If this doesn't happens and you see the saved file in that folder do right click the file and select scan with your installed antivirus and if the scan shows the file then it means your antivirus is working properly but not updated with a new version, as best antivirus softwares detect any virus (at the same second when you save the same in your system)without your effort of going to specified folder and scanning the folder.

- If it doesn't shows any kind of threats then you need to change your antivirus software immediately with some good one with the new version.

There's always a lot of discussion as to which is the best free antivirus software product. But one product name always seems to be talked in these debates - AVG Antivirus.Considering this is free software, it offers an excellent level of protection. For several years, many computer users have said that this is the best free antivirus software.

Online Arcade games

The arcade games were born in coin operated machines.
The strong point of the arcade games was that they
were based on a commodity technology.

Coin operated arcade games used custom made hardware
powered by multiple CPU’s, specialized sound and
graphic boards.

The design simplicity of these games enabled the
programmers to spend more time into enhancing the
basics of game play. This resulted in the conception
of some of the best games ever designed.

The arcade games of the earlier years had a clever way
of disguising their graphical limitation. A fine
example is Atari’s Night Driver, the first racing game
to deliver a ‘first’ person perspective, and also
showing the road as seen from the cockpit.

The night theme was an ingenious choice as it negated
the need to create perceptible complicated images. The
Night Driver’s concept of ‘scaling’ flat images called
‘sprites’ to stimulate a 3d movement was a cult design
basis for most 3d games.

Once these games were ported to PC, they were designed
with Flash, Java and DHTML. The online arcade games
that are programmed on Flash are built around the
vector graphics file format.

The design simplicity never dwarfed the game play.
This was, perhaps, the most probable reason for the
immense resilience in these games.

Even as the arcade games incorporated newer gadgets,
light guns and dance mats to draw in the crowd, the
people got stuck in the good old button mashing

•๋●๋ Google Secrates ๋●๋๋•
Some google secret words...

just write it in google searchbar & clik i'm feeling lucky

Here is da words____


google 133t

google gothic

google bsd

google ester egg


google linux

ewmew fudd


answer to life, the universe and everything
(press search web)

see Da magic......... Smiley