Over time, even the information that we used to take the absolute truth, may undergo significant changes. For example, it was previously thought that the doctors did not necessarily wash their hands before surgery. But science does not stand still, and knowledge is constantly evolving. We collected data, which, although familiar to you at school, but over time have become outdated and have been refuted.

EARLIER: Pluto - a planet

Model Pluto and Eris, recreated NASA
Now: Pluto is not a planet.
Until some time we knew that from the late 1800s, there is the ninth planet after Uranus - Pluto. In 1906, Percival Lowell, founder of the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, has launched a research project to detect the mysterious "Planet X". However, in 1930, 23-year-old novice researcher accidentally discovered this planet. Clyde Tombaugh was instructed to meticulously follow moving objects, systematically comparing the pictures of a starry sky. As a result, the Clyde presented his discovery to the Harvard College Observatory.
The name of the new planet gave 11-year-old Englishwoman (in honor of the Roman god of the underworld). So the planet Pluto was included in the composition of our solar system.
But in 2003, according to NASA astronomer found beyond Pluto's much larger object, which gave the name of Eris.
This event has caused many disputes among astronomers, the chief of which was - what makes a planet a planet? As a result, based on the size and location of the bodies, it was decided that neither Pluto or Eris actually planets are not.
Can you imagine what was disappointing mladsheklassnikov geography lessons.
Even when astronomer Mike Brown, author of "How I killed Pluto and why it was inevitable," opened the debate on this issue, an astrophysicist Nick Tyson Degrasss fully supported him, "If you compare the weight Chevrolet Impala and Neptune, how much more Pluto Compared with these? Pluto would be similar to a toy car. "

EARLIER: Diamond - the hardest natural material

* Pyramidal diamond embedded in the working surface hardness Vickers.
Now: Ultra-hard cubic boron nitride - the hardest substance in the world.
In a world known substance harder than diamond 2 - wurtzite boron nitride and lonsdalite. First stronger diamond by 18%, the second - 58%! Unfortunately, both the substance rarely occur in nature. To be honest, the study has not yet proved their calculations in practice. Therefore, this discovery can be considered a true theoretically.
However, there is another contender for the title of the most solid. Simply put, scientists condensed boron nitride particles to create an "ultra solid cubic boron nitride." To do this, they simply divided the particle into its constituent elements (this procedure can be compared with the cleaning onion, truncation of rose petals or unfolding nesting dolls).
As a result, women around the world have begun to hunt for wedding rings made out of heavy-duty material, as such rings are really scrapie your union "forever."

EARLIER: Pyramid in Egypt was built slaves Jews

Pyramids of Giza - Khufu and Khafre
Now:  Egyptian pyramids were built wage workers.
In the movie "Prince of Egypt" we could see slaves as builders of these stone structures. This is also evidenced by the texts of the Bible, but the specific descriptions in it was found. This is quite a common myth rumor originates from the time of the visit of the former Prime Minister of Israel in Egypt MenahemaBegina in 1977.
However, a professor at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem Amichai Mazar claims that no Jew was not involved in the construction of the pyramids because Jews did not exist at the time of their construction.
In fact, recent archaeological finds show that it was the Egyptians built the pyramids. Workers hired from poor families living in the south and north of the state. They are not held in high esteem; they were buried without honors, not caring about the observance of all rituals.

SOON: Our evolutionary relationship with other primates lost forever

Ida - fossil, considered "the missing link of evolution"
Now:  Find "Ida".
It is believed that "Ida" - an important link (previously lost) in the doctrine of evolution from ape to man.In 2003, paleontologist YornHurum and his team in Germany found these ancient remains, incidentally, is well preserved, dating back as many as 47 million. Years. Ida, namely the so-called this ancient primate became a transitional link in the evolutionary rift between higher primates (monkeys and apes) and humans, as well as lemurs - our distant relatives.
Ida received the scientific name Darwiniusmasillae (literally "creature of Darwin Messel). Her skeleton resembles the skeleton of a lemur, and it has some features in common with primates: separate thumb, no claws, short limbs. The discovery of this animal fills a big gap in evolutionary history.

EARLIER: Fold a piece of paper more than seven times - mathematically impossible

Britney Gellivan managed to lay down a roll like this more than seven times
Now: the record is - more than 11 times.
This rumor is fairly widespread in the fields of science and art. However, a schoolgirl from California proved that there is nothing impossible. Britney Gellivan and a few volunteers have gained a huge 85-dollar roll of toilet paper and all shocked by the fact that it lay down as much as 11 times. Britney realized that all those before it tried to do this, alternated the direction of the fold of the paper. The girl even brought a mathematical equation, which made taking into account the thickness and width of a particular paper.
Britney Gellivan made a presentation at the National Convention of Teachers of Mathematics in 2006, and in 2007 received a degree in environmental sciences at the University of California at Berkeley. Now it can be seen in the popular television show "MythBusters."

EARLIER: The Great Wall - the only manmade structure visible from space

Photos central part of Inner Mongolia, about 320 miles from Beijing, made on 24 November 2004 from the International Space Station. As you can see, the wall is almost indistinguishable
Now: Many structures erected by people can be seen from space.
Formally, it never was true - just this information throughout many mladsheklassniki include in their reports and presentations. In fact, rumors about the possibility to see many sights not only of space, but even there the moon in 1938.
Despite this, in 2003, the Chinese astronaut is still this myth dispelled. According to NASA Yang Liwei admitted that he was not able to see the Great Wall from space. After this statement began to appear numerous pictures, and all unanimously agreed that under certain conditions (presence of snow cover, camera with high magnification) is still possible to see the outlines of a glimpse of the building. And you can see the lights of the big cities, main roads, bridges, airports, dams and reservoirs.
As for the visibility of terrestrial objects from the Moon - it is only speculation.
"The only thing that can be seen from the moon - it's a big blue sphere covered with clouds and yellow spots deserts, and sometimes green vegetation," - says the astronaut crew of Apollo 12 Alan Bean. - "There is no man-made objects in the field of vision at a distance."
Maybe some, talking about distinct objects from space, mean visibility of buildings from satellites orbiting the Earth - but it is not outer space.

EARLIER: There are five Scientific classification Kingdom species

Mushrooms (lat.Fungi) - one of the kingdoms of the living world
Now: There is an opinion that such kingdoms at least eight.
Perhaps the lessons of biology you remember the five major kingdoms of living things: animals, plants, bacteria (or Monera), fungi and protozoa. One way or another, but the classification has since been expanded.
The more species of living beings is opened, the harder it becomes to assign them to a particular realm.In addition to the above-mentioned kingdoms have already added to the kingdom "Archaea", previously combined in the general realm of bacteria.
At first glance, archaea (ancient bacteria) look like other single-celled organisms called eubacteria (true bacteria), but it is only at first glance. There are also more complex systems, which divide into two eubacteria kingdom or some chrome.
In the United States adhere to the classification of the 6 kingdoms: plants, animals, unicellular fungi, archaea and eubacteria.

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