The outgoing year for the IT-market memorable breakthrough "warped" TVs, Bitcoins, a new spiral of war smartphones phenomenon Google Glass and many others. What surprised the IT-sector users, see below.

1. Phablet

10 major technological trends in 2013
In 2013, manufacturers of mobile devices have been actively produce gadgets with a screen diagonal of 5 to 7 inches. Until now, they left enough comfortable, but in 2013 the problem was solved - thanks to the emergence of high-capacity batteries and compact. New gadgets are called "Phablet".
At the same time manufacturers of smartphones increased the size of the display on its flagship model, choose the upper limit of 5 inches. First came Samsung, Nokia, LG, Lenovo. The market expected that the trend will pick up Apple, but the company has remained faithful to the usual format, saving for the updated iPhone 5S / C previous diagonal 4 inches. However, the market dictates the rules, and there are rumors that next year Apple «surrender."

2. Transformers

10 major technological trends in 2013
A striking innovation in 2013 became transformers ultrabooks - thin and light device with a rotating screen, a hybrid laptop and tablet. The devices of this class appeared on the market a long time, but for a long time they remained a niche product for which there was no mass demand. Flowering ultrabooks prevented imperfection technologies, as well as lack of convenient programs.
Transformers niche tried to revive in 2013, companies such as Lenovo, Asus, Acer. They were supported by Microsoft and Google. The fight for this market is just beginning, and most interestingly, it seems, will take place in 2014.

3. Smartphones

10 major technological trends in 2013
In 2013, played out a real war between the manufacturers of smartphones. For consumers, the opposition is beneficial: there are new interesting products.
Loudly declared itself Apple. Released a budget iPhone 5C, the company received traditional fans iPhone 5S, secure fingerprint recognition technology on a sapphire control button. Simultaneously, Apple quietly made a leap forward, going on a 64-bit processor and full support networks 4G LTE.
Smartphone + photo
In 2013, entered the market smartphone Nokia Lumia 1020, equipped with a digital camera with a resolution of 41 megapixels premium and a set of tools for the semi photo-editing. Smartphone makers began hastily built into new gadgets high-resolution cameras. Medium resolution now 16 IPC and the bar gradually rises. Most distinguished Samsung, released the Galaxy S4 Zoom, which is built into the body of a full lens, but the market did not succumb to this trick. Sony has offered a compromise - a removable lens Sony DSC-QX100, which can be attached to the rear surface of the smartphone.
Curved design
In 2013 appeared the first model with a curved display. The favorites were two models - LG G-Flex and Samsung Galaxy Round. But the market has not yet realized the power of the upward trend: perhaps his frightened too high a price. It is expected that in the future smartphones will permit close to 4K Ultra HD. When homes will feature a curved shape of the screen, the popularity of curved displays in smartphones will also begin to grow.
"8 cores"
"An eight" smartphones was nothing more than an advertising gimmick, as long as the company MediaTek in late 2013 not released the MT6592, has an eight-real architecture. Prior to this, the processors 'eight-' gadgets consisted of 8 cores, unequal terms of computing power, which affects the performance. After breaking MediaTek smartphone makers responded immediately release of new models.But it turned out that the new processor MediaTek is based on the "slow" cores ... Have to wait for 2014.
Russian contribution
Announced in early 2013 the Russian smartphone YotaPhone, finally saw the light. His original two-screen design creators believe the trend: the company managed to find a "middle ground" between high performance and long life. The secret was in the use of E Ink technology for the front of the display, which allows almost get rid of loss of charge when using only the second display.

4. "Smart" clock

10 major technological trends in 2013
In 2013, the reborn "portable devices". According to the study Transparency Market Research, this market in 2012 was approximately $ 750 million, and by 2018 should reach $ 5.8 billion. The compound annual growth rate will reach 40.8%.
The greatest interest in this market called "smart" watches. This term is quite conventional: in fact, gadgets, made in the form of hours, minicomputers are complete with their own system of sensors.
The main competition in this field was between Samsung and Sony. Last released an updated model with advanced Smart Watch 2. Samsung has proposed in response to addition to the smartphone - model Galaxy Gear, which provides fast access to e-mail messages, phone calls and alerts, allows calls in hands-free mode, and much more. The market took a conservative innovations. Buyers decided that the proposed feature set price is too high. Hours Sony also enjoyed limited demand.

5. Fitness Gadgets

10 major technological trends in 2013
The first fitness gadgets have appeared recently, in 2012. And as soon as they emerged imperfections.So, the bracelet Jawbone Up was too short battery life of the internal battery, and gadgets Fitbit Flex displaying information on the bezel bracelet using LED-bulbs, while the "spoiled" the user would like to use the mini display.
In early 2013, entered the market sporting device of the second generation, and by December, manufacturers have released an updated range of models and announced their third generation gadgets for fitness. Bracelets have learned to use the latest scientific achievements of the health and nutrition have become actively apply the technology of work in social networks. The new generation of bracelets now able to provide a complete picture of their owner about how healthy it is a way of life. For example, they have learned to collect data on the health status of the owner throughout the day and night, sleep control, tracking its active and passive phase.
Nike - one of the major players in this market - has released the most popular fitness gadget 2013 - Nike + FuelBand. The number of his fans was about 20 million. Analysts Juniper Research argue that the market for fitness devices will grow by 2018 more than 10 times, from the current $ 1.4 billion to a record $ 19 billion.
The growing popularity of fitness gadgets was so rapid that in the summer, just a few months after the release of bracelets Jawbone UP, president of Yahoo Marissa Mayer introduced their use in the company - Gadgets received 11,000 employees.

6. "Smart Glasses"

10 major technological trends in 2013
"Smart Glasses» Google Glass is the second year in a row fall in ratings of the best products of the industry. In 2012, they were called "the most promising gadget of the year", although no one has kept them in his hands. In 2013, Google, finally issued a limited batch of gadgets independent developers for testing.
Google Glass has not yet had time to enter the market, and their use has already found a lot of risks: it is possible to conduct illegal videotaping; scattered attention because points on the street can cause accidents; Gadget is a threat to the disclosure of personal information about the people he meets the owner of glasses, etc.
Business, meanwhile, has already begun to figure out how they can be used. For example, Gartner predicts that organizations will be able to immediately get real savings of up to $ 1 billion for the first three to five years of operation of "smart glasses".

7. Game Consoles

10 major technological trends in 2013
November 2013 was a milestone in the market of video game consoles: Sales appeared long-awaited model Microsoft Xbox One and Sony PlayStation 4. Microsoft managed to sell the first 24 hours over 1 million Xbox One. Sony's response indicated that in the first week sold several million consoles. In Microsoft also estimated that in the first month of sales Xbox One players killed more than 3 billion zombies in the game after spending more than 50 million hours.
World game consoles steadily growing, and its main goal - the creation of augmented reality. Last year, the market appeared the first applications that allow you to use game consoles with "smart glasses» Google Glass. Trend of the year is called the growth of streaming video viewing, downloadable from the web and used in addition to the game content. The process of convergence of video game consoles with desktop computers.

8. Luxury-gadgets

10 major technological trends in 2013
Luxury-products are not often mentioned in the trends of the year, but the 2013th was no exception.Apple fans actively discussing the issue of exclusive models of smartphone iPhone 5S Gold plated in 24 carat gold. The theme of smartphones also interested automakers have issued luxury-device: Tonino Lamborghini on the platform Android, Porsche Design BlackBerry and HTC One gold-plated 24-carat, like Apple.
The main consumer of luxury-goods becomes China. Where in the world to buy goods in the segment of luxury, is projected to be spent in 2013 to $ 102 billion, the Chinese market will have about $ 28 billion. World sales luxury-goods continues to add: in 2013, growth is projected to be 11 %.

9. television with a curved screen

10 major technological trends in 2013
If the recent TV market has been focused on 3D-technology, then in 2013 with the advent of television with a curved shape of the screen trend has changed.
The modern viewer is no longer satisfied a clear picture on the screen, it is not enough fascinating story, he wants to get the effect is always present - when watching movies, news, games with elements of augmented reality. Manufacturers of 3D TVs have promised to provide relevant content on a regular basis, but the flow was not brought, and the consumer can not wait long.
It soon became clear that at least a strong sense of presence can be obtained when viewed content on the big TV screen, curved shape with ultra-high resolution and surround sound support a new generation. The countdown to the transition to the new format set the standard 4K, which in 2013 was renamed Ultra HD.
All interested manufacturers were common front and began to produce new models format Ultra HD, which replaced the previous resolution 1080p. A video camera manufacturers have started selling new models that also support the new standard for Ultra HD.
On the eve of the New Year, the LG has loudly declared that the model 77-inch TV with 4K OLED screen would be curved best innovations at the next exhibition Consumer Electronics Show-2014 (CES).However, the industry argue: Samsung will have time to offer the market during this time his own model, which is "one inch" is broader than the flagship LG? Or maybe the market will turn in the direction of AppleTV, which also curved surface of the screen? In the meantime, the market is waiting for the results of the work done.

10. Bitcoins

10 major technological trends in 2013
Cryptocurrency Bitcoin (Bitcoin) appeared in 2009, but it was the 2013th became her heyday. For a long time Bitcoin is the option of conventional "private" money that can be used only for "multilateral clearing operations." But in 2013 the market occurred "strange" changes: in Canada there ATMs in which kriptodengi could be exchanged for traditional paper currency. This was the signal for an unprecedented growth of the market.
The system Bitcoin users attracted by the possibility of high income. At the end of 2013 and a half months the price of Bitcoin jumped almost 4 times. But on the other hand observed moments rapid fall when, for example, the price of the currency within a few hours fell from $ 1,155 to $ 576.
In relation to industry giants Bitcoins happened volatile. For example, Apple has over the years could not decide how to conduct myself with them. First, Apple has allowed to place the application of the system in its online store App Store. Then they were there udalila.Teper, Apple warns that operations Cryptocurrency may be illegal in some countries, but the application does not prohibit.
Whether private virtual currency "survive" in the future? China has banned any Bitcoin transactions between financial institutions, controlled by the government, but has not yet began to introduce a ban on transactions between regular users. At the US Department of Justice has a softer stance - it is going to discuss the possibility of legalization in the Senate Cryptocurrency. In any case, one thing is clear today: Bitcoins have become one of the most remarkable discoveries of IT-2013.

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