Profit With Public Domain

Public domain is the world of knowledge that is freely available to the public.  You can find literally tens of thousands of books free to download online from public domain.  The vast majority of these books are usable commercially.  This means that you can make a profit from these resources, leveraging the original author's work for your own income.  Once a copyright expires, the book becomes public domain.  It is completely legal in most cases to resell these works for your own profit. 

One easy way to make money with books you download from public domain is by selling them for use on PDAs and iPods. More and more people want to have books available to listen to on their PDAs and iPods.  It makes commuting easier, it helps while standing in long lines, and it's simply fun to
always have a book available to enjoy any where you happen to be.  It is so incredibly easy to profit from public domain in this manner because the format most books are downloaded in is .txt.  This is the same file type required for use in PDAs and iPods, so you do not need to convert the documents before selling them.  This can be so much quicker and easier than creating a typical ebook in a format such as pdf. 

Another great way to profit from public domain books is by creating audio ebooks.  You can read public domain books out loud, recording them into your computer, and then convert the files to MP3.  We all know how popular audio books are, and how popular downloading audio is, so put the two together and you have an unlimited audience of potential buyers.  Think of how many high-school and college students had rather listen to the great classics than to have to read them.  If it worked for Cliff's Notes it can certainly work for you!

To make lots of money using public domain books, you can build your own web site, or even sell on ebay.  If you can't build a web site, or you do not want to build your own web site, you can easily outsource this task cheaply.  You can also cheaply outsource having your downloaded public domain
books read out loud for conversion into an audio ebook.  This is a very easily executable idea that you can start using right away to create an income steam. 

I do have to give credit where credit is due.  This idea came from the great marketing minds of Alex Mandossian and Armand Morin.  They discussed this idea in detail, along with other great ideas, on their Big Seminar 7 preview
teleconference call.  I felt that this particular idea was so easy and such a great moneymaker that it stood out above all the other ideas I heard listening to to call.  Certainly there is a large market, so let's all take this
great idea, run with it, and create great profits.

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